Rothschild's Vase Carpet Trio

Alice de Rothschild’s Vase Carpet Trio at Christie’s

April 19, 2016, London, United Kingdom

One of the most anticipated events in the world of Antique Rug Collecting will be the upcoming Christie’s auction for Alice de Rothschild’s Vase Carpet Trio.  The trio of carpets from the Safavid era was previously unknown and will create truly a once-in-a-lifetime event. An overwhelming excitement in the rug collector community anticipates the availability of these exquisite pieces.


This is not unlike hearing that a new symphony or chamber orchestra piece by Mozart or a new and unknown painting by Van Gogh or Monet was discovered in the attic of a house or mansion. The presentation of these three beautiful and previously unknown pieces brings great excitement to the antique rug community. 

​The HALI magazine​ is one of the most prominent and scholarly publications in the world of fine handwoven rugs.  The magazine had published an excellent article to give more in-depth information about these three lost treasures.  The Persian Knot Gallery appreciates such scholarship and would love to share the excitement that was being built in the “rug connoisseur community”.