
Fine handwoven rugs that have quality material and workmanship could last for generations if they are repaired and maintained on regular basis.

The day-to-day heavy vacuuming of area rugs could permanently damage the rug especially the fringes. To prevent this, rugs should be vacuumed gently and the vacuum cleaner should be kept at least 6 inches away from the edges of the rug. In addition, over time even with the normal walking traffic on the rug, the fringes and the sides start to wear.

In cases where the fringe is completely worn off, to protect the rug from further damage a cotton fringe can be handsewn. This is very effective in preventing further damage and also giving the rug its original look.

To maintain the rug integrity, it is very important to have the fringe and the sides repaired in a timely fashion. This is simple maintenance and inexpensive maintenance of the rug, preventing further damage to the rug. In addition, having the rugs cleaned professionally helps the wool and extends the life of the rug.  

At the Persian Knot Gallery, we believe in reducing our negative impact on the environment.  We do this by helping our clients to reduce their carbon footprint by maintaining the rugs that they buy from us.  

As our rugs were produced over 75 to 100 years ago and can be used for another 100 years if washed and maintained regularly.  

We believe it’s a win-win approach: enjoy the beauty of an artisan handwoven rug whose quality and workmanship will provide use and joy for generations while reducing the negative impact on the climate.